HEALING School has been ranked in the top two per cent of secondary schools in the country for progressing students' grades.
The Government's Raise online data, published annually after summer exam results are released, shows how much pupils' grades have progressed since Year Seven, known as value added.
Healing, which saw 91.3 per cent of its students gain five A* to C GCSEs, including maths and English, this year, was ranked in the top two per cent of schools, according to the data.
Principal Ann Addison said: "This tops off a fantastic year and is a Christmas present everybody deserves after all their hard work.
"The figures reflect the quality education throughout the school, not just in Year 11, and are what professionals look at to identify how well a school is performing.
"We've always said we are a village school in North East Lincolnshire that is punching considerably above its weight nationally and these figures confirm that once again."