THE scrutiny panel heard from petitioners in two areas of Grimsby set to lose their residents-only parking schemes in January.
Councillor Andrew De Freitas (Lib Dem, Park), told the panel that residents in his ward wanted to keep their parking schemes but felt that the new price was "outrageous".
He said he was convinced that the collapse of the schemes would have a "detrimental impact" on income in the council's town centre car parks.
And he argued that the income generated in fines by enforcing the schemes should be taken into account when setting the price of a permit.
Earl Street resident Joyce Attia said: "It is going to be a mess. We have had experience of this before we had residents parking and we can remember coming home and not being able to find a parking space. People can't afford to pay £80."
Councillor Peter Wheatley, the portfolio holder for regeneration and environment, said that figures of £25 and £40 had been "picked out of thin air" without any statistical justification, adding that £80 was the sum needed to cover administration and enforcement costs.
He said that the council could not use income from parking fines to cover the cost of the residents-only parking schemes – a claim which was disputed by Councillor De Freitas, who said he was assured by officers that this was not the case.