ST ANDREW'S College is to hold drop-in sessions about the conversion to an academy in September – when it will become the Holy Family Catholic Academy.
It is currently the only secondary school still under local authority control, but has now received final confirmation from the Department For Education that from September 1 it will be an academy.
It will be sponsored by the Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Education Service (NRCDES) and staff, students and governors have already been involved in focus groups about its new named.
The Bishop Malcolm McMahon, Bishop of Nottingham, was told the results and picked the Holy Family Catholic Academy (HFCA) as the new title.
Principal Louise Wilson will be holding drop-in sessions each Thursday from 3.45pm to 5pm for parents who have questions – and has invited them to contact her by calling the school.
In an update to parents, she said: "Now that we have had the final decision regarding the change to academy, it is my intention to provide you with regular updates.
"As principal, I see it very much as business as usual, but understand that people may have questions concerning the change."
She also talked about the progress which the school has made, having gone from being judged as "inadequate" by Ofsted in 2012 to "requires improvement" earlier this year.
She added: "There is no doubt that the improvement in the past 17 months provides a secure foundation on which to establish the new academy that will build on the many strengths of St Andrew's, ensuring a smooth and seamless transition for students and staff alike."