FREE health checks for those aged 40 to 74 could save the struggling NHS and add years onto your life – so why not have one?
Currently, there are 50,000 people in North East Lincolnshire eligible for the Free NHS Health Check.
In 2012/13, 10,000 people were invited for the check and 69 per cent took it – but the aim is to increase that to 75 per cent in 2013/14.
Julie Quash, the interim NHS Health Check manager for this area, said: "We need to take responsibility for our own lifestyles and these checks could flag up problems so we can look at preventative measures rather than a cure, which is much more difficult and expensive.
"A stroke can cost £20,000 to treat and, with an aging population, the NHS simply can't afford to keep everyone healthy unless we look after ourselves."
And Julie practises what she preaches – since taking the job, she has lost 50lb in weight and lowered her cholesterol from 6.2 to 3.9.
A large waist size and high cholesterol are both factors that can make you more at risk of diabetes and heart disease, and Julie is now out of the high risk category.
She said: "I was quite a chunky girl and, as I wandered round giving out leaflets about changing your lifestyle, I became conscious they might find it difficult to take me seriously.
"I've shed weight, lowered my cholesterol and feel better in myself – all by just eating a little healthier and taking regular exercise."
The local drive is part of a national campaign to prevent strokes and reduce the number of people developing heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes and some forms of dementia.
At the moment, GPs are working with the council and NHS to reach those in the high-risk groups.
Julie added: "We are focusing on people at high risk such as smokers, heavy drinkers and people with high blood pressure or a history of diabetes in the family.
"Typically, men are less likely to respond to the invites than women and we need to reach out to people in deprived areas and temporary accommodation who may not be registered with a GP."
To book a health check, contact your GP or e-mail or
Find out more about the NHS Health Check programme