IF YOU can understand the message above – and can teach others how to write in the same way – then the Grimsby Institute needs you!
The note reads "we need a shorthand teacher" in Teeline shorthand – a way of abbreviating words that is commonly used by journalists.
Unless an experienced Teeline tutor can be found, then the Institute will not be able start running qualifications accredited by the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ).
Emma Lingard, who is course leader for journalism, explained: "The Level 3 NCTJ qualification is the gold standard for aspiring journalists.
"It's what all newspapers look for when they are recruiting new staff.
"We have applied to start providing an NCTJ accredited course, which would be a first in the area, but we can't be approved until we have a shorthand tutor in place.
"It's such a specialist skill that we had no responses at all to the first advert we placed for the role, and now the situation is getting serious.
"If we can't find a tutor then we won't be able to run the course, which would be a real shame."
The NCTJ short-course qualification incorporates modules on news writing, media law, court reporting, public affairs, online journalism, video journalism and production skills.
Students must also learn shorthand – which substitutes symbols for letters – and pass an examination where they prove they can write at 100 words per minute.
Emma added: "Shorthand is an essential skill for journalists as it allows you to make quick, accurate notes.
"That's extremely important when you're covering things like court hearings and council meetings as reports of proceedings need to be word perfect."
The Institute hopes to accept two intakes of 16 students onto the course each year, with 22-week courses starting in both September and February.
The nearest centres that currently offer NCTJ qualifications are in Sheffield, Newcastle and Nottingham so it would be a real first for
If you are interesting in applying for the shorthand tutor role or enrolling on the courses when they start, call the Institute on 01472 311222 and ask to speak to Emma Lingard or Claire Foster.
ON THE WEB: Visit www.thisisgrimsby.co.uk to try your hand at the Teeline shorthand alphabet, and then post a comment to let us know how you got on!