A SHARE of £50,000 is up for grabs in Immingham.
Community groups in Immingham are being urged to apply for One Voice's share of the Immingham 100 Fund.
It is from the £121,500 grant awarded to them in celebration of the town's dock's centenary.
Groups can apply for up to £1,000 providing they can prove their projects will have a lasting impact on the town.
Chairman of One Voice Elaine Norton is excited to get started.
She said: "We need to make sure the projects will make a difference to the area.
"Knowing we have this funding to help our community make long-term, sustainable differences is great. It means we can support people and make a difference, especially to those groups who are struggling to make ends meet."
Although the cap is at £1,000, One Voice can use its discretion to award more if the project needs it.
Already, the group has given the Community Choir £600.
Elaine continued: "In this financial climate, many groups are worried about how they can make ends meet and whether they will survive.
"Added to that is the fact some families cannot afford to send their children to clubs and activity groups. This is a great opportunity to make a real difference to people in Immingham."
If you want to apply for a share, e-mail Elaine at chair@onevoicecommunity.com or phone for a paper copy on 07513 612964.
Each application will be reviewed by a panel every three months. The next deadline for applications is Monday, June 3.
Find out more about how to apply here.