Following our applications last November to the Department of Health Grant programme of £60 million St Andrew's Hospice recently received notification of being successful in gaining two grants from the Department of Health to St Andrew's Hospice/St Andrew's Children's Hospice totalling £988,141. That's a third of the total funds required - so a terrific start!
Jane Whenham=White, Head of Fundraising & Marketing said:
"We are of course absolutely delighted as this will make a significant contribution to the first phase of the redevelopment of the Hospice which will provide one access to all services, increased range of services and facilities, 4 additional adult bedrooms and generally improve the whole Hospice footprint unifying some of the buildings which have been acquired over the years since we moved to Peaks Lane. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the local community for their past support to date and hope they will continue to help us to realise this and future stages of the redevelopment to ensure that this region has the first class Hospice services everyone deserves."
This is really good news for St Andrew's Hospice and St Andrew's Children's Hospice and was met by a lot of excitement as the news was circulated to staff and volunteers this morning.
All the monies raised by the events and activities that our supporters undertake are really appreciated and your continued support will be even more valuable and needed now to enable us to build on this terrific start.