SUSPENSION of children's heart surgery at Leeds General Infirmary has been branded "a farce" by Grimsby MP Austin Mitchell.
The veteran Labour member has today met with other MPs from across the region, councillors, campaigners, and representatives from the Infirmary to discuss the issue at Leeds Civic Centre.
He told the Telegraph after the meeting that the hospital was still unaware of what exactly many of the complaints that are alleged to have been made and led to the decision to halt surgery last week, relate to.
Referring to a suggestion of high mortality rates, Mr Mitchell said: "The people drawing up those figures have said they are not accurate."
He said another meeting would be held tomorrow involving the Care Quality Commission, NHS England, campaigners and the hospital.
"We hope that after tomorrow's meeting into the farce, and it is a farce, the cardiac unit can reopen."
See tomorrow's Grimsby Telegraph for the full story and reaction.