DO your kids have the right formula to scoop a £50 prize and the honour of opening a brand new Immingham chemists?
On Wednesday, April 3, Lloyds Pharmacy will open its new store in Kennedy Way, but not before the winner of a creative competition has been announced.
Children aged 11 and under are being asked to illustrate what a healthy lifestyle should look like, so it's crayons at the ready!
The winning designer will receive a £50 Ramsdens voucher and will need to be available to open the new store on the day.
Lisa Brydon, area manager for Lloyds Pharmacy, said: "There will also be second and third place vouchers for Ramsdens up for grabs, so there are plenty of chances to pick up a prize."
Deadline for entries is Friday, March 22, at 10am.
The design needs to be on a plain A4 sheet of paper and must be sent in with a name, age, address, contact number and picture of the child attached.
Designs should be sent to Danielle Roe, 80 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 3EH.