A CHIEF executive is being sought by the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership.
The move follows the increasing level of responsibilities from Government, and the launch of its five-year plan for growth that focuses on realising the potential of the Humber Estuary.
With chairman and manager in place, the Humber LEP has already secured the largest enterprise zone in the country, as well as £30 million of Regional Growth Fund money to invest and an £8 million business loan fund to unlock development projects.
The post is one of several appointments that will be made over the next few months.
Chancellor George Osborne's Autumn Statement saw plans to give LEPs control of devolved growth funding, the ability to set priorities for European funding, and a new strategic role in skills policy, revealed.
Further developments are expected in the Government's response to the Heseltine Review, which proposed an expanded role for LEPs, in the spring.
The LEP is also working with the four Humber local authorities on the development of a City Deal proposal, which would see further powers and funding devolved.
Chairman, Lord Christopher Haskins, said: "The role of LEPs is expanding as the Government places increasing trust in them, and the successful ones develop a growing arsenal of tools and funding to support their local economies.
"We need to grow our own capacity as well, while remaining small and nimble, in order to manage all of these functions.
"The new chief executive role will be pivotal in providing leadership and bringing together the talent and assets that already exist to drive forward our ambitious programme."
For more information visit www.humberlep.org